Facebook Pages

Since we've updated the Facebook Pages connection to use Facebook Connect, you are no longer required to go through hops and jumps to get this working.


All you need to do is to follow the directions for adding Facebook over here: Adding Social Networks.


Once you have Facebook added, your pages will automatically show on the Facebook settings page.  Click the pages you want to post messages to and click "Save."  If you haven't given Ping.fm permission to post to a specific page, you will be asked before you can save your settings.


If you are managing someone else's Facebook Page: 


Facebook Pages must be owned and managed by a personal account.  If your client already has a Facebook page, he/she will have to add you as an administrator of the page before you can add it to your Ping.fm settings.  For help on adding administrators to a page, see http://www.facebook.com/help.php?page=904 (How do I add other Page Admins?).  You could also configure it on Ping.fm using their personal Facebook account (if they consent of course) which would have access to the page. 


You can disable posting to the personal profile (yours or theirs) by unchecking the methods at http://ping.fm/facebook/ or disabling Facebook (and leaving Facebook Pages enabled) on http://ping.fm/settings/



See Also: Adding Social Networks