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Saved by Ping.fm
on September 11, 2009 at 1:28:49 am
Welcome to the official Ping.fm help and information wiki!
We are in the process of updating this wiki with helpful information that will aid in your Ping.fm experience. While we cannot anticipate or even cover every topic that might be on your mind, we do intend to evolve the content of this wiki often.
You can search the wiki by using the search box to the right. If you have a topic that you do not see covered here and would like information for, please post it in the comments section below.
Ping.fm was created for the sole purpose of making it as easy as possible to share your posts with the world. Now you don't have to fumble around the web in order to post anymore, you can just post once from wherever you want, and be done with it.
You can stay in touch with updates we make to the service by reading our blog as well as following us on Twitter.
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