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Link Statistics

Page history last edited by Ping.fm 15 years ago

You can track the analytical information from links you post through Ping.fm.  We track things such as clicks, referers, timeframes and country locations.  This information is aggregated and displayed back to you in an orderly form.


You have to "opt-in" to tracking link information.  It's easy though.  Just click the "Settings" link on the dashboard and then click "Default Settings."  There you will find a checkbox for link tracking.  Check the box and click the update button.



Please Note


When you enable link tracking, ALL of your links will be shortened in your messages, no matter how long the link.  If you turn link tracking OFF, only links longer than 23 characters will be shortened.


Accessing Link Statistics


Wen you post a shortened and tracked link through Ping.fm, we create a shortcut to the link data in your recent posts history.



The links with the little blue link icon will always take you to the link statistics pages similar to this:



Note: Recent posts and link statistics data are only available for 30 days from the date posted.


Tabs Explained


Referers - Referrals made from a link click.  Whether it's from a website or application, the referer is tracked and displayed alongside the number of clicks from that referer.  Some apps and clients send no referer and the click will be recorded as "Clients, Direct clicks, IM or E-mail."


Locations - These are the number of times a click has come from a specific country.  If the country is unknown, it will be recorded as "Other."


Conversation - This tab will hold feeds from various social networking sites of people who have been reposting or talking about your link.




Use this dropdown to change the timeframe of statistics to show.  This is based on the time from when the link was posted.  For example, selecting "1 Hour" will show you 1 hour of click stats from the time the link was originally posted.


See Also: Posting Links

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