
Removing Social Networks

Page history last edited by Ping.fm 15 years, 8 months ago

I. Standard Authentication Websites


Here is a list of standard authentication websites: Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr, Identi.ca, BrightKite, Plaxo Pulse, LiveJournal, Bebo, Hi5, Mashable, Kwippy, Xanga, Wordpress.com, Rejaw, Yahoo360, Koornk, YouAre, Multiply, Yammer, Utterli, imeem, Vox, TypePad and StreetMavens


  • Click "remove my [network] information" and confirm.


II. Facebook (http://ping.fm/facebook/)


Ping.fm and Facebook can only be connected through one account on each side.  If you need to remove Facebook from one Ping.fm account to move to another, or just want to reset everything to normal, here are the steps:



III. MySpace (http://ping.fm/myspace/)


Ping.fm and MySpace can only be connected through one account on each side.  If you need to remove MySpace from one Ping.fm account to move to another, or just want to reset everything to normal, here are the steps:




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